Thursday, 14 August 2014

A little boxed miracle

I have seen so many bloggers talking about the Orly nail rescue and I'm not going to lie... I break my nails often so I was eager to see what it had to offer. 
First thing I noticed is how easy it is to use. The steps are super simple and quick.

Here is my tragedy but all shall be fixed in a minute. 
 After removing any base coat. I applied the orly nail glue to the broken area. It didn't stink like most nail glues which was a big plus for me - I hate the smell. It didn't stick to the side of my skin when I went over my nails. This annoys me so much with normal glue so this was also a bonus. 
 I then dip the glue into the powder immediately and let it dry. Also, this pot will last a life time - barely any comes off on the nails. 
 At first I filed off the glue too quickly and it sort of smudged off. So, wait a few minutes until it dries then file really lightly just to get off any excess glue or smooth out any bumps. It does not give a completely smooth finish so if that's what you are looking for with this product you will need to use a buffer of your own. This didn't bother me much because I used liquid sand over the top. 
 Tadaaaaah! All fixed for now. I love how it worked out so far, I've only had it on a day but it is looking good! I would recommend this product for people who have regular breaks to their nails and are looking for a quick fix when fed up of using up all their tea bags! If you have really weak nails this could be a good way to strengthen them up a bit, preventing breaks.  
I hope this was of a little help and I am loving the product so far!

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