Sunday, 21 September 2014

Quel Che Resta

This wasn't actually going to be blogged but I really do love it so thought I might aswell share.
The colour I used for this is a really old one so the name had actually worn off the bottle - after doing some internet searching I think it is called Fire Engine by Collection 2000. 
This was inspired by @sloteazzy her version is amazing! She made it look like it was the most simple design to do and trust me it really isn't.
I very nearly gave up on this, it is the product of my cleaned up mess. However, I am glad I stuck at it! 
As for the name of the blog - I couldn't think of one and was listening to Ludovico Einaudi - Quel Che Resta (give his music a listen) whilst writing this. I wondered what the translation was and it is 'The remains', I thought this fitted the mani quite nicely. 


  1. nice! makes me want to do some negative space chevrons with my vinyls :)

    1. Thank you! Yeah I am really loving a bit of negative space manis at the moment! xox
